hello all! :D
today isn't a rainy day and thats good. so i woke up at bout 3+, showered and started using the com till now. (:
yesterday was a great day!
went out with leong and phyllis! the both of them is so funny la. me and phyllis cannot help but to keep laughing at leong. so met leong at serangoon station at 12+ then offff we go to cine! so while we're on the train, leong saw some people and she told me, " eh i feel like eating roti prata" HAHAHA. so we decided to call those people jian bing. reached cine, went to get our tix for CHARLOTTE'S WEB! my goodess. the pig is so cute la! i cannot stand it. anyway, the whole movie is practically about this friendship between charlotte (a spider) and the pig (wilber). the pig was afraid that he'll be slaughtered. so charlotte's promised him that he will not be. charlotte kept her promise and in the end wilber didn't get slaughtered! how did charlotte do it, you should catch the movie yourself and find out! haha. oh before the movie, we were and ljs and leong called some people mee rebus. WHALAO. it made me laugh like mad. k anyway, after the movie, went to walk around at heeren. met adriena, yy, samantha and i cannot remember who there. went to walk around more. didn't have anything to do, so we went to some secret hiding place to chill! so fun. we made clappers and all. got chased out after like 45 minutes or something. went to play at toys r' us after that! took pictures then went to delifrance for dinner! then homed. OH, THANKS LEONG FOR THE ALMOND JELLY WITH LOGAN TREAT. (:
thats all. pictures below. BYE!

the pig is super cute la! my goodness.

Dora the emo!

brollies for sale! :D

phyllis sure have some skills of camera tricks!

two by four and plamaaaaaaa! (:
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