Wednesday, December 27, 2006


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hello everyone. :D
i'm bored, so i've decided to update my blog! didn't do much yesterday. i was rotting away. haha! talked to my ex neighbour from howsun drive! i sure know something about my past from her! now, this is the conv.
(i'm the red and she's the green!)

*GeN*: no more that chubby small gal who crys so loudly
*GeN*: hahaha
Hey pretty boy,: wow, i don't rmb crying loudly!
Hey pretty boy,: I REALLY DID?

*GeN*: YES
*GeN*: absoultely

Hey pretty boy,: OH NO
*GeN*: and with that chattering sound
*GeN*: hahahha
*GeN*: i can imiitate for u when i see u
*GeN*: ahhaha

Hey pretty boy,: hahahahahahaha!
Hey pretty boy,: okay
*GeN*: u look 100% different

right. i didn't know i looked different. neither do i know that i cried super loudly with the chattering sound when i was much younger. i want to hear genevieve imitate it for me so maybe i can try and recall?

nothing much about today. ruoyu came over! she's suppose to come over at 930am to wake me up but she herself woke up at 10am. and at about 918am, my maid was irritating me by asking me to open my mother's room door. (she doesn't have the keys) so annoying la! so i had to drag myself off bed JUST TO OPEN THE STUPID DOOR. went back to sleep after that. woke up again at 11plus. realised that ruoyu haven't appeared. messaged her for awhile and she appeared at my door. so we watched some tv, then i went to shower and started with my math homework. well, i managed to do quite alot. i guess? called macs for lunch. i ordered mcchicken, mcspicy came. ordered two coke, one coke, one green tea came. what the hell la. don't know they want the receipt for what. and while eating, i was wondering what if i told the person that my name is bimbo or curtain. does it really matter? ohwell. ry left at bout 630pm and i'm online since then.

aww, my maid just cook fried rice for me becuase she said i haven't eaten anything while she've already taken her dinner. so nice of her and yet i was complaining about her. okay, she's irritating at times. :
however, the fried rice is floating with oil. it's very oily la!

k, my 9pm show is going to air sooooooon! :D goodbye all!

you think i've forgotten but now i'm telling you, i didn't. i've read it. but i don't know what to believe. what you've text me yesterday or what you've typed.

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