hello everyone(:
so i was late today again. i was suppose to meet choi at 1130. however, i was still sleeping at 1130 when she opened my room door. i got a shock. i'm sorry choi! so i showered and all, then headed down to far east to get my white pumps. yay, now i'm happy. :D
didn't know what to get for bao, so on the way back to the train station, in the underpass, we asked a man to do a spongebob balloon for us. rushed over to bao's house after that.
reached, ate and all. i MUST say that bao's mother is very nice and funny. my gosh. had lucky draw and all. I WON FIRST PRIZE! i was sitting at one corner keeping quiet most of the time with choi and i got the first prize! took many pictures with bestieeeee. i love bestie. i love bestie. i love bestie. i love bestie. k then had a game whereby we're suppose to go find bao's correct name with the star. the winner will get money as the prize. so cool la. unfortunately, i didn't win. played murderer after that.
parents came to pick me up at 6. fetch choi home and off i went to taka! SHOPPING! managed to get a dress and tube top. stefan got me a zara top too :D went for dinner and went home.

k thats all for now. more pictures of me and choiling coming up when i get it (:
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