Come Home Soon :(
hello everyone(:
woke up at 1030 then off to bathe and change and left for tuition over at tampines which is freaking far. tuition wasn't that bad. at least now i know how to do some algebra questions. so i got some homework which i just did. i ended up getting only one question right. out of seven. but those isn't the ones she taught me la. so i'm going to bring the book out later and ask for help (:
went for lunch then home to sleep! met daphne LATE (as usual) because i overslept. saw crystal and ziwei. gosh. i miss all of them la. ballet wasn't too bad. at least i can remember most of the steps. went for my hairr cut after that. the hairdresser cut very short la. my gosh. homed then went out for dinner again.

going off to meet choi later at 1130 at serangoon station. off to fareast then to bao's place. (:
i love you! YOU ROCK LA.
thats all. bye!
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