Tuesday, December 19, 2006

/one love.

hello everyone!:D

this are the prints i took with my bestie lau! i went out with her yesterday. however, i was suppose to go to her house to play with claris! i overslept =/ best kept calling me but sigh, CANNOT MAKE IT. cannot wake up! haha.

k, i have to be fast with this post cause i need to go out already la!
anyway, we had fun! :D i enjoyed it man. we shouted eh HADY!! then the malay people in front of us turned, then we turned back. we went to window shop too! went to meet yile for lunch over at far east. we walked from ps to far east. oh my mama. my leg almost broke! haha. yile damn funny la. and there was this toilet incident. freaking funny. we had to run out from the toilet. she left at 4 plus. bestie and i continued to window shop! freaking raining very heavily. best brought a brolly! we shared and walked over back to far east from wisma. met shit for a while then went to take prints! i loveeeeeeeee the prints! i loveeeeeeeee bestie lau even more la!: D

okay, anyway, its okay if you don't get what i'm saying cause i was typing out what came into my mind. i will blog a better one when i come back!

off to northen thailand now. bye! back on 23ed.

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