hello everyone, i'm back! :D
i had alot alot alot alot alot alot alot of fun! SERIOUSLY.
though i dreaded the trip, everything i thought that would happen, didn't!
like, ROTTING. i did la, but not all the time.

see the amount of seniors in the aeroplane!?

this is a piece of meat. however, no one know what meat is it. it tasted weird.

their bottles of water are in glass! not all, SOME!sure you don't get to see this in spore!

roadside food selling roasted bananas!


aunty doreen looks cute in the hat! :D

part of it is made of REAL gold!

(: you don't see much of such bottles in spore already, do you?

bbq food, anyone?

this little girl is selling balloons.


loooooooooong papayas!

snake tonic! EWW. (this is not the ultimate eww though)

this is how most of their toilets look like. no flushing system in the public toilets.
( this is the counted very clean toilet)

salted fish!

bbq/roasted pork. looks nice huh?

there, we bought some! it's very nice indeed!

nice view eh?

candid!we had lunch in a cruise! coooooooool.


mom was hitting dad for putting his leg so high!
this picture makes me go awww. so sweet la!

sweetest couple of the year 2006! (:

aunty susie is very hilarious! :D

US and the kids!


i don't know if you can see it, but the woman in pink is actually pregnant and she's working. poorthing la!?

wanna have a closer look?

cockroaches? want to try eating?

want to see how it looks like INSIDE the rat?

ewwwwwwwwwwww! oh my.

chicken? the orange things are the eggs!

my dad bought it!

and he starts eating it. he says it's NICE and CRISPY. nothing eeky about it.
i don't dare to try!

hotel staffs sending us off!

rocks that doesn't fall.

uh, whats my dad up to this time?

oh, he found assam! (is this the way you spell it?)

i love the ride back from the night market! :D

aww, see! my parents are cute! I TOLD YOU SO!

new friend found! :D

new friend found!
(yayaya, i know #%^&%*$!~ in those pictures. I KNOW THAT.)

off i go back to Singapore! (:
there! thats an overview of the trip! it's super long. MY LONGEST POST for now.
i'm super tired. i've to wake up at 830 tmr. :/
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