Monday, October 30, 2006

/cause i'm the one that loves you lately,

hello! (: so thats the picture about me going up to the stage receive the stupid prize. -.- haha. the prize is dumb. k anyway. woke up at 10+ (THANKS SHIT) haha! two messages received. from the same person. k, thats not the point. anyway, woke up, laze around till 11+ then went to shower and all. came online for awhile then went off again because my stupid connection got some freaking problem. so irritating la. haha. decided to watch goong. eli came over at bout 2+ and continued watching goong! haha. went over to caroline's house to take the next 12 discs before heading to gardens. THANKS FOR THE VCDS MY DARLING CHILD, CAROLINE! (: haha. saw lydia at gardens bus stop. i started to bang the stupid bus window trying to attract her attention. however, i failed rather miserably because the person opposite me at the bus stop might just think i'm mad. haha! went down, shouted lydia! then she came out. saw BESTIE! after that. hahaha. so funny la. talked to them for awhile then went to macs. wha, ate ALOT TODAY. my goodness. walked over to ntuc after that. on the way to ntuc, saw wendy at coffee bean! haha. talked for awhile then off to ntuc! :D eli and i were acting like total aunties. hahaha. she decided to stay for dinner and we decided to COOK! so we bought ham, french beans, eggs and bread. haha. the bread is for my maid's breakfast, by the way. oh, eli also bought DRIED MANGOES. i've tasted it first time in my life and it tasted GREAT! i want to eat it again. hahaha. 7D DRIED MANGOES. bought our stuffs, eli went over to Mr Bean to buy her dao huey and we headed home! we unpacked everything then eli did my nails! haha. THANKS COW! went to cook after that (: ELIZABETH SURE CAN COOK DELICIOUS FRIED RICE! it's freaking nice! i really like it la! so after that we watched gooog and the diff 8pm show on ch5, 8 and u. haha! after that was THE 9PM SHOW! whalao, eli and i cannot stand fiona xie in the show and we think that pierre png is very charming! hahahahahahaha. she left at ten and here i am online. ELIZABETH! :D thanks for making my day an enjoyable one la! sure i had alot of fun with you! cook again some day as you requested! hahaha! i love you la! (:

thats all. BYE!
oh, my mom is irritating me. i don't know what is wrong with her. aiya!

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