Tuesday, October 31, 2006

/Best thing you ever had.

hello :D i'm bored now. amerie just went offline. aiya! dad is sad. and when she was telling me why. i saw something. show you it to you after this entry or the entry will be in a mess! :D alright. so i woke up at 9 today. then lie awhile. then message abit, then fell alseep again. woke up at 12.52! then showered all and then now i'm online doing nothing. haiya, i'm bored. my mom annoyed me. stupid la. : ( if only i'm with her in kl. i probably won't be saying this. i MIGHT be saying I LOVE MY MOM because she bought me more things. whatever la. boring day.
thats all(: bye!

this is so amerie. i think she should send an sms to receive all the EMO animations.

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