Sunday, December 03, 2006

/When there was me and you.

hello blogger. :D
i'm currently very into high school musical! (yayaya, tell me i'm SLOW.) haha. its so nice to watch. i can't stop watching it. woke up only at 3plus 4 today. showered and everything then used the com! went gardens for lunch/dinner with stefan. HAHA. saw stephanie on my way to ntuc to get ONE loaf of bread for my maid's breakfast. there's some happening in gardens suddenly. like got programmes and everything. i think some christmas thing la. then suddenly when we want to cross the road, they on the snow thing. lucky never kena me man. so now stefan's over at vivo and then to sentosa's km8 to club later. he asked me along but i'll probably throw my own face. so now i'm rotting at home. no money to spend either la! anyway, my purpose of blogging today, is to share what karthiga shared with me! its really interesting!

-that the founder of mickey mouse is scared of mice?
-in NY, after its ten at night, slippers can't be worn out?
-in caramel, a man can't go outside while wearing a jacket and pants that do not match?
-in ocean city, eating while swimming in the ocean is prohibited?

those are the ones she told me! i tried looking for more but i can't find any!
so, i've to wait for karthiga to tell me more then! :D


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