Monday, November 13, 2006

/that girl.

hello all. the picture is silly liz. few days back, she put the webcam infront of her bed and did all the silly actions. so funny la. i HAD to show everyone. haha. right. so anyway. met ry yesterday at bout 1145 to go have lunch then off for service! i was suppose to meet her in the train. so when i reached the station, i called her and told her to call me when she's reaching. when we're on the phone, she already told me where's she's sitting and all. after we hung up, 4min later, the train arrived and stupidly went in. was walking here and there but i didn't see her. so, i messaged her and she told me i was in the wrong train. -.- hahahaha! how dumb can i get. k anyway got down at potong pasir and waited for the train she was in the come. haha. reached ps. saw xinyi. talked awhile then we went to eat and then went to jalan jalan. HAHA. bought camera's stuff at carrerfour then went to walk somemore! saw many many freaking nice paper and decided to buy one for camera! wrote something for her since its her birthday! the handwriting turn out like shit. (AIYA, SINCE WHEN IT'S NOT.) hahaha. alright. then went to meet adri and all then went to church! service was about the incredible hulk! it was GREEEEEAAAAAATTTTT la. so funny. haha. k so after service, sang ALOT of birthday songs for many many people. waited for adri and eli all. then left! OH. when i was at db waiting for the train, this indian man looked at me from head to toe and then said something in tamil. MY GOODNESS. so scary la. with the cunning eyes he was looking at me. i immediately walked damn freaking fast to a motherly woman. hahahahahaha. ohwell. went home then around 7 plus, went to gardens to meet camera, prince, saint and camera's friend. (: they were eating at rk! then after taht we walked to the playground near my house. so fun! haha. i love the swing. i think i'd go there more often. hahaha! OH, stefan came home drunk and he said a whole lot of crap to adriena! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY CAMERA! i love you la! :DEAR

today. stomach was super pain last night. decided not to go to school. (: went to meet my bikinis and trunk instead. only caroline, lynn, lydia and i la. but still, ENJOYABLE. i love them to bits la. was supposed to go powsing to eat. but never open. so we went to poh poh chicken rice! damn nice. after that followed bao to go get her macs cause she didn't eat chicken rice! then after that sent caroline to the bus stop while bao came over! then after that bestie lau sharene came! :DDDDD played like mad. we played our ALL TIME FAVOURITE! (it'll never be revealed!) haha. super fun. laughed like mad. haha. they went off to macs after that. wrote something for camera since she was there. best and bao passed it for me! ballet was a horror today. did so much stretching and diff exercises which are not tested. ohwell. at least there wouldn't be any wed coaching class. thank God man! or i'd be super busy. k nothing much about today already! school's in for me tomorrow.

thats all. GOODBYE! :D

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