Sunday, November 05, 2006

/Say you want to love me.

hello world. (: obviously the picture is a box of PANADOLS. haha. to me, panadols are the BEST dols. (!!?) hahaha. it cures my headache damn fast! i totally love it. just pop into the mouth and headache gone! had a headache since the moment i woke up yesterday. i wonder why. didn't want to eat the panadol until i came back for ballet because it was freaking bad already. k anyway, I LOVE PANADOLS! hahahaha. but no, i'm not going to take it as DRUGS (: alright, yesterday was quite boring. nothing much happened. think quite alot though. (this must totally be my prince's influence!) oh, prince = cherly.

RIGHT. so today was dad's (amerie) big day! HER CONFIRMATION! (: reached there at about 1030 when i'm suppose to be there at 1015. wife was already waiting for me at the church enterance. HOWEVER, lydia, lynn and alethea were LATER THAN ME! i guess 6B2T has a very bad habit. we're ALWAYS late. if we want to meet at 1100, i guess we've to say we're meeting at 1015 so that we'll not be late! HAHAHAHA. ohwell. mass was quite, um. haha. nevermind. i had quite a good time with 3B1T (amerie was confirming, choi and carol couldn't make it!) hahaha. took pictures and all then rushed down to compass. no, i didn't exactly rush but ya. was rushing for time to meet ry! haha. so bao and i walked down. cause she freaking don't want to take the bus. she said, " YOUR LEG PAIN RIGHT" i was wearing heels, thats why she said that. and to prove that it wasn't, i walked! hahahaha. bought stuff to eat then went into the mrt station! got up the train and meet ry! bao left at serangoon while we trained down to db. went to find my nail polish remover but cannot find la, then went to buy ry's icecream then off we walk down to church! haha. saw prince! was shouting LIAR at her la. haha. okay, i maligned her! she came to explain to me after i shouted liar at her. service was great, AS USUAL. after service they had some game but in between it, me and ry left! hahaha. went to get my nail polish and some food then went home. dinner with the parents after that. thats about it. (:
GOODBYE! i'm sorry, i made you cry. i feel uber bad. URGH.

Shit sent me one sms last night which i found it quite amusing TO ME! this is what the message said,
"hey shit! i realised S is so suitable for you. name you a few. Sauyan, Silly, Stupid, Shit, Sleeping Beauty, Stunned." hahaha.


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