Friday, November 10, 2006

/It's just a little to late.

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hello everyone:D the picture above is given to me by my dearest wangwang. CUTE RIGHT(: ohwell. i just one small bar (its smaller than 5cm,btw) of hershey's choc. omg. it's freaking nice. one small bar =73 calories! HAHA. how fattening. haha. i don't care. it's damn nice. haha!

alright. today's a fine day. super slack. love to go school to slackkk with ry, qy, prince, q at the guides room la. hahaha. did a little of the notice board. TALKED MORE. haha. LAUGHED EVEN MORE! had a great chat with prince when the rest were outside. she couldn't help me much la! haha. but she told me quite alot of things and hopefully what she said isn't true. haha. asked people randomly and they all said the same thing. ohwell. left at 6. prince accompanied me to the bus stop to wait for mom to come! THANKS (:

on the way home, messaged bao. she gave good advices. maybe because of what she said, i got my answer. MAYBE. hahaha. nothing much bout today. all i can rmb is the "lu zi lu zi" singing and action ry was doing. so freaking funny la! goodness. OH, guess what. i've been eating fast food for the past four days. GOODNESS. quick say good luck to me. uh, i'm so going to die. hahaha.

alright, thats all for now. :D

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