Monday, November 20, 2006

/i love you more and more each day

hello! thats a very old picture one my left. well, not very old. just the starting of this year. haha. didn't blog for three days alr! nothing much happened. went shopping on sat, got a long sleeeve top from esprit! went to topshop, saw nnnattttttts! she's working at topman! haha. that kuku. damn long never see her alr la! sunday wasn't too bad. service was great! after service went to meet the F4 clique people (HAHA) at mos, then went over to tcc to have my iced latte mocha (not intentional though) hahaha. after that, went to meet the folks and bro at 3rd level then left for dinner. nothing much alr. today was quite a slack. woke up at 2+ almost 3. ate, used com, did a little math. camera came over (: haha. she teached me math! hahaha. ohwell. she left at 7+ to go meet ms and bel.
oh, i'll be leaving for kl tmr! will be back on friday! :D
shoppping's gooooooooood. hahaha.

alright thats all. BYE!
takecare dearest. surprises for you. don't xing qing bu hao k? i love you!

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